Government professors win 2019 APSA book awards

David Bateman

David Bateman won the 2019 J. David Greenstone Book Award under Section 24: Politics and History, for his book: "Disenfranchising Democracy: Constructing the Electorate in the United States, the United Kingdom and France" (Cambridge University Press, 2018). The J. David Greenstone Book Award recognizes the best book in history and politics in the past two calendar years.

Jill Frank

Jill Frank won the 2019 APSA David Easton Award under Section 17: Foundations of Political Theory, for her book: "Poetic Justice: Rereading Plato’s Republic" (University of Chicago Press, 2018). The David Easton Award is given for a book that broadens the horizons of contemporary political science by engaging issues of philosophical significance in political life through any of a variety of approaches in the social sciences and humanities.

Jamila Michener

Jamila Michener won the 2019 APSA Virginia Gray Best Book Award under Section 22: State Politics and Policy, for her book: "Fragmented Democracy" (Cambridge University Press, 2018). The Virginia Gray Best Book Award is awarded annually to the best political science book published on the subject of U.S. state politics or policy in the preceding three calendar years.

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