New Hires and Appointments
We were delighted to have Talbot Andrews (American politics) join us in Fall 2024.
Alexander Livingston served as Director of the Society for the Humanities for Fall 2024.
Ellen Lust was elected into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2024
Bryn Rosenfeld was appointed as Director of Graduate Studies, Government Department, Cornell University for 2025-2028.
Suzanne Mettler became Academic Director of the Scholars’ Strategy Network in January 2025.
Articles and Book Chapters
Begum Adalet, (2024) “An Empire of Development: American Political Thought in Transnational Perspective” American Political Science Review 119(1): 193-207
Begum Adalet, (2024) “An Insurgent Mood: Politics of Home in Lorraine Hansberry’s Writings,” American Political Science Review 119(1): 165-178
Talbot M. Andrews & Scott Bokemper, (2025) "The road to reelection is paved with good intentions: Experiments on the role of outcomes and intentions in voting behavior." Journal of Politics.
Alexandra Blackman, Carolyn Barnett, & Marwa Shalaby, (2025) “Gender Stereotypes in Electoral Autocracies: Experimental Evidence from Morocco.” Journal of Politics.
Alexandra Blackman, Julia Clark, & Aytug Sasmaz, (2024) “What Men Want: Politicians' Strategic Engagement with Gender Quotas.” Comparative Political Studies 57 (14): 2414-2448.
Gustavo Flores-Macías & Jessica Zarkin, (2024) "The Consequences of Militarized Policing for Human Rights: Evidence from Mexico." Comparative Political Studies, 57(3), 387-418.
Ellen Lust & Lindsay Benstead, (2024) “Is the Future Female? A Conjoint Experiment on Voter Preferences in Six Arab Countries.” Comparative Political Studies, 57(14), 2376-2413.
Ellen Lust, Kristin Kao, Marwa Shalaby, & Chagai Weiss, (2024) “Female Representation and Legitimacy: Evidence from a Harmonized Experiment in Jordan Morocco, and Tunisia,” American Political Science Review, 118(1), 495-503.
Patchen Markell, (2024) "The Outdoor Condition: Reading Arendt on a Warming Planet." The Review of Politics, 86(4):483-504.
Jamila Michener, (2024) “Building Power for Health: The Grassroots Politics of Sustaining and Strengthening Medicaid.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law.
Isabel M. Perera & Trevor E. Brown, (2025) “Why States Do or Do Not Privatize: Cross-Class Coalitions in the Public Sector,” World Politics.
Rachel Riedl, Kenneth Roberts, Paul Friesen, and Jennifer McCoy, (2024) “Democratic Backsliding, Resilience, and Resistance.” World Politics
Rachel Riedl, Kenneth Roberts, Jennifer McCoy, & Murat Somer, (Forthcoming, 2025) “Democratic Backsliding: How It Happens and How It Can Be Countered,” Annals of American Academy of Political and Social Science.
Kenneth Roberts, (2024) "The New Polarization in Latin America: Sources, Dynamics, and Implications for Democracy," Latin American Politics and Society 66, 2
Bryn Rosenfeld & Jeremy Wallace, (2024) “Information Politics and Propaganda in Authoritarian Societies.” Annual Review of Political Science. 27: 263–281
Climate Games: Experiments on how People Prevent Disaster by Talbot M. Andrews, Andrew W. Delton, & Reuben Kline (University of Michigan Press, 2024).
Positioning Women in Conflict Studies: How Women’s Status Affects Political Violence by Sabrina Karim & Daniel W. Hill, Jr. (Oxford University Press, 2024).
The Welfare Workforce: Why Mental Health Care Varies Across Affluent Democracies by Isabel M. Perera (Cambridge University Press, Studies in Comparative Politics Series, 2025).
Awards, Grants, Fellowships, Projects
Peter Enns, 2024 AAPOR Best Book Award for Incarceration Nation: How the United States Became the Most Punitive Democracy in the World.
Jamila Michener, (2024) Health Politics and Policy Public Engagement Award, APSA
Gustavo Flores-Macias, (2024) Human Rights Foundation, Financial Freedom Project Grant, $1,000,000
Sabrina Karim, Berlin Prize at the American Academy in Berlin
Ellen Lust, (2024) Governance and Local Development in the Middle East and North Africa Carnegie Corporation of New York Award Amount: $400,000
Thomas B. Pepinsky, (2025-2029) Department of Defense, MINERVA Program, China’s Rise and Social Cohesion in the Indo-Pacific: Concepts, Measures, Implications (with Allen Hicken, Anil Ramachandran Menon, and Dan Slater)$3,132,621 (budgeted).
Bryn Rosenfeld, (2024-2025) Principal Investigator, National Council for Eurasian and East European Research, National Research Competition Research Contract (with John Reuter) “A Panel Study of Support for Putin and His War" $40,000
Academic and Public Engagement
Sabrina Karim, Documentary Feature (2025) Why Nations That Fail Women Fail, The Economist
Jamila Michener, Television Feature (2024) Exploring America’s Social Safety Net and the Political Fights Around It, PBS News Hour
Bryn Rosenfeld, (2024) Putin's Hidden Weakness, Foreign Affairs
Begum Adalet & Oumar Ba, (2024) Center for Teaching Innovation Microgrant
Isabel Perera, (2024-2025) Faculty Fellowship in Engaged Scholarship
Alexander Livingston (2024) Faculty Grant, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University
Patchen Markell (AY 2024-2025) Faculty Fellowship, Society for the Humanities
Student Successes
Taylor Carroll was appointed as Education Ambassador at DuSable Black History Museum and Education Center
Frances Cayton was awarded an APSA Centennial Center Research Grant (jointly with Hanna Folsz, Stanford)
Frances Cayton was awarded an American Councils-US State Department Title VIII fellowship
Amanda Chen, American Political Science Association Diversity Fellow, 2024-2025
Thomas Gareau-Pacquette and Jean-Francois Daoust, (2024). "Is Quebec independence still key in making sense of Canadian elections? A longitudinal analysis" (2000–2021). Regional & Federal Studies, 34(5), 781-806.
Aura Gonzalez, "Legacies of Forced Migration: Evidence from the 1947 Partition of South Asia," won the Pi Sigma Alpha Best Paper by a Graduate Student Award at MPSA.
Kyaw Hsan Hlaing, 2024 Paul & Daisy Soros Fellow for New Americans
Emily Jackson, Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship ($42,000 stipend and $8,000 research)
Samuel Liu, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Fellowship
Samuel Liu, Smith Richardson Foundation World Politics & Statecraft Fellowship
Avishai Melamed, Adi Rao, Olaf de Rohan Willner, & Sarah Kreps, (2024). "Going to outer space with new space: The rise and consequences of evolving public-private partnerships," Space Policy, (68), 101626.