Amelia Arsenault

Graduate Student


Amelia C. Arsenault is a PhD student at Cornell University’s Department of Government in the International Relations subfield, with a minor in Comparative Politics. She previously obtained her Master’s degree from the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Ottawa, where her research into the effects of AI on disinformation efforts received funding from the SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship as well as the Department of National Defense Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Scholarship. She has been published in the Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, International Studies, and the Paterson Review of International Affairs, and is currently working as a writing intern for Lacework.

Research Focus

My research interests include emerging technologies and contemporary warfare with an emphasis on the impact of AI proliferation on international politics. I am also interested in the political effects of contemporary disinformation efforts, and would like to further explore the challenges that liberal democracies face in confronting disinformation. Recently, I have begun analyzing the rapid proliferation of ‘smart city’ technologies globally. I am also currently working on a co-authored chapter on AI and international politics for an upcoming Oxford handbook. 
