Graduate Student Awards


  • Amelia Arsenhault won the Mobilizing Insights in Defense and Security (MINDS) doctoral fellowship.
  • Frances Cayton was awarded an American Councils Title VIII Research Fellowship.
  • Christina Chang was awarded the East Asia Research Travel Grant; The Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability's Graduate Research Grants; EAP Area Study Fellowship; EAP Travel Grant; Einaudi Center International Travel Grant.
  • Amanda Chen won the APSA Diversity Fellowship.
  • Emily Jackson won the Mellon ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship.
  • Shirley Le Penne won an IHS Junior Fellowship.
  • Rocío Salas Lewin won a Graduate Fellowship at the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS).


  • Amelia Arsenhault won the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship for the next two years (2023-2024 and 2024-2025. The teaching staff for GOVT 2817: America Confronts the World, consisting of Professor Peter Katzenstein, Musckaan Chauhan, and Amelia were awarded the "Creative Responses to Generative AI" Teaching Innovation Award from the Office of Vice-Provost for Academic Innovation and the Center for Teaching Innovation.

Amelia published the following papers: Amelia C. Arsenault & Sarah Kreps. “AI and International Politics” in The Oxford Handbook of AI Governance. Edited by Justin    Bullock, Yu-Che Chen, Johannes Himmelreich, Valerie M. Hudson, Anton Korinek, Matthew M. Young & Baobao Zhang, 959-980. Oxford University Press, 2024

Amelia C. Arsenault, Sarah E. Kreps, Keren Levy Snider & Daphna Canetti (2024). Cyber scares and prophylactic policies: Cross-national evidence on the effect of cyberattacks on public support for surveillance. Journal of Peace Research, 61(3): 413-428. DOI: 10.1177/00223433241233960

  • Grace Beals AMST Research Grant and the CCSS QuIRI Small Grant
  • Trevor published the following papers:

Brown, Trevor. Forthcoming. “The New Politics (and Political Science) of Workers' Rights?” [Review Essay] Political Science Quarterly.

Brown, Trevor.  Forthcoming. "Cross-Domain Policy Feedback: Worker Mobilization and the Institutionalization of Collective Bargaining Rights for Health Care Workers." The Journal of Policy History

Perera, Isabel M., and Trevor Brown. Forthcoming. "Why States Do and Do Not Privatize: Cross-Class Coalitions in the Public Sector."  World Politics.

Brown, Trevor, Gisela Pedroza Jauregui, Suzanne Mettler, and Marissa Rivera. 2024. “A Rural-Urban Political Divide Among Whom? Race, Ethnicity, and Political Behavior Across Place.” Politics, Groups, and Identities.

  • Frances Cayton was awarded a Roper Center-CCSS Data Conversion grant. She published her co-authored article "How to Stay Popular: Threat, Framing, and Conspiracy Theory Longevity" in Perspectives on Politics.. She was also selected for an IES Brettschneider Exchange Fellowship at Nuffield College, Oxford.
  • Harry Dienes won an Amit Bhatia Global PhD Research Award for 2024-25.
  • Tessa Evans won the United States Institute of Peace Fellowship, the Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Award, an ISA Dissertation completion fellowship, and a QuIRI small grant. She published an article in Comparative Political Studies titled 'Conflict and Coalition: Securing LGBT Rights in the Face of Hostility'.
  • Emily Jackson won a CCSS QuIRI small grant and the CAS Rosenthal Graduate Student Award.
  • Julie George won a fellowship from the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University
  • Aura Gonzalez won a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship and a Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (Hindi)
  • Jacob Harris American Political Science Association Spring Centennial Research Grant. Jacob Harris published the following papers:

"Does Brown beat Biesiada? Name Fluency and Electoral Success" in Electoral Studies;

"The Prison Bust: Declining Carceral Capacity in an Era of Mass Incarceration" in Punishment & Society "Race, religion, and death: How racial attitudes contextualize the relationship between religion and support for capital punishment" in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 

  • Nazli Konya won the APSA 2023 Leo Strauss Award
  • Shirley Le Penne won an Einaudi Center’s Amit Bhatia Global PhD Research Award; a Michele Sicca Research Grant; a David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement Grant (CPFB); the best graduate paper at the ASMEA conference; and she published the article Cosmic Political Theory in Political Theory
  • Rocío Salas Lewin won an Andrew Kohut Research Fellowship at the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research (Summer 2024) and a Graduate Fellowship at the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program (LACS) (2024-2025). 

She also published a paper: Rovira Kaltwasser, C., Salas-Lewin, R., & Zanotti, L. (2024). Supporting and rejecting the populist radical right: Evidence from contemporary Chile. Nations and Nationalism.

  • Samuel Liu won a CKF U.S. Foreign Policy Dissertation Grant
  • Cameron Mailhot was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at Dartmouth's Dickey Center (declined), he was the co-recipient of the 2023 Kahin Prize, and his paper "How UN Peacekeeping Missions Enforce Peace Agreements" was conditionally accepted at the American Journal of Political Science

  • Avishai Melamed published papers:

Melamed, Avishai, Adi Rao, Sarah Kreps, and Erika Palmer. "Popular impact: Public opinion and planetary defense planning." Acta Astronautica 214 (2024): 505-525.

Melamed, Avishai, Adi Rao, Olaf de Rohan Willner, and Sarah Kreps. "Going to outer space with new space: The rise and consequences of evolving public-private partnerships." Space Policy (2024): 101626.

  • Ewa Nizalowska received the Graduate School Research Travel Grant and the Peter Uwe Hohendahl Graduate Essay Prize in Critical Theory.
  • Greta Schenke won an Institute for European Studies Research grant from the Einaudi Center.
  • Georgy Tarasenko won the Kohut Fellowship from Roper Center and an Einaudi Center Travel Award.
  • Angie Torres-Beltran won a Provost Diversity Fellowship, an American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellowship, a Women and Public Policy Program Research Fellowship at Harvard Kennedy School, a Predoctoral Fellowship at the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California, San Diego, the inaugural Gordon Morgan Predoctoral Fellowship at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and a United States Institute of Peace Fellowship. Angie also received the 2023 Empirical Study of Gender Research Network Prize and a Women, Gender, & Politics Research Section research grant. Angie was also selected as a Bouchet Graduate Honor Society Scholar and New York University Faculty First-Look Scholar.

  • Gloria Xiong won the GPEP predoctoral fellowship at Georgetown University, Hans J. Morgenthau Fellowship at Notre Dame University, and the SRF World Politics and Statecraft Fellowship

2022 - 2023

  • Alexia Alkadi-Barbaro won a Zhu Family Graduate Fellowship
  • Frances Cayton won the Silas Palmer Fellowship at the Hoover Institution
  • Harry Dienes won a SEAREG Pre-Dissertation Fellowship
  • Jordan Ecker won a Mercatus Center as an Adam Smith Fellow
  • Tessa Evans won a  ISA dissertation grant and a small grant from QuIRI
  • Eun A Jo won a predoctoral fellowship at George Washington University/Selected for 2022 Taiwan Fellow by the Taiwan Foreign Ministry
  • Julie George won a CISAC Fellowship
  • Aura Gonzalez won a Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship (Hindi) and APSA First-Gen Travel Grant
  • Sarah Greenberg won a Charlotte W. Newcombe Fellowship
  • Jacob Harris won a NSF GRFP
  • Yufan Huang won a Pre-doctoral Fellowship at the China-Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins SAIS for 2022-23
  • Kanika Khanna won the Open House New York's Building Capital Fellowship
  • Michael Kriner won a USIP Peace Scholar Fellowship and a APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant
  • Shirley Le Penne won a Mellon Graduate Fellowship at the Society for Humanities
  • Cameron Mailhot won a NCEER Fellowship
  • Vincent Mauro won the Kahin Prize; Manuscript: "Party Systems, Inequality, and Redistribution," accepted at Perspectives on Politics
  • Avishai Melamed won the 2023 Planetary Defense Conference Student Grant from the International Academy of Astronautics
  • Sam Rosenblum won a Rosewell Dwight Hitchcock Memorial Fellowship from Amherst College
  • Adrienne Scott Provost's Diversity Fellowship for Advanced Doctoral Students

  • Angie Torres-Beltran won a Houston I. Flournoy Graduate Fellowship

2021 - 2022

  • Amelia C. Arsenault

    Publication:  Amelia C. Arsenault & Costanza Musu (2021). Canada, the United Nations, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal. 1-19.DOI: 10.

    Publication:  Amelia C. Arsenault, Andrew Heffernan & Michael P.A. Murphy (2021). What is the Role of graduate Student Journals in the Publish-or-Perish Academy? Three Lessons from Three Editors-in-Chief International Studies, 58(1), 98-115.DOI: 10.1177/0020881720981222.

  • Zinab Attai won a Graduate Diversity & Inclusion Award

  • Trevor Brown won a American Studies Research Grant, Cornell American Studies Program and QUiRI Small Grant, Cornell Center for the Study of Social Sciences (CCSS)

  • Ani Chen won a Provost's Diversity Fellowship for Advanced Doctoral Students, Institute for European Studies Graduate Research Fellowship, Society for the Humanities       Dissertation Writing Group Grant for "Worldmaking at the Periphery: Transit, Translation, and the Politics of Intimate Knowledge." Elected to the editorial board of Diacritics as one of the three graduate board members.
  • Harry Dienes won a Graduate School Research Travel Grant.
  • Alex Dyzenhaus won a QuiRi Small Grant, Cornell Center for the Study of Social Sciences (CCSS)
  • Naomi Egel won a Hans J. Morgenthau Fellowship, University of Notre Dame/Marion and Frank Long Fellowship, Reppy Institute (Cornell)./QuiRI Small Grant, Cornell Center for the Study of Social Sciences (CCSS)
  • Julie George won a RAND Summer Associate Fellowship, Graduate School Research Travel Grant, and an Einaudi Center International Research Travel Grant.
  • Thalia Gerzso won a Philip E. Lewis Research Grant in French Studies/QuiRi Small Grant, Cornell Center for the Study of Social Sciences (CCSS)/APSA Centennial Research Grant
  • Aura Gonzalez won a APSA Diversity Fellowship
  • Jacob Harris won the Roper Center's Andrew Kohut Fellowship and the Mitofsky Fellowship, Grant from the Rural Humanities Initiative, a Rapid Response Grant from the Population Center, and a Grant from the PRICE Institute.  Proposed survey items conditionally accepted for the 2022 administration of the General Social Survey.
  • Yufan Huang won a Pre-doctoral Fellowship at the China-Africa Research Initiative, Johns Hopkins SAIS for 2020-21.
  • Emily Jackson received the Andrew Kohut Fellowship at the Roper Center for Public Opinion and the 2021-22 Latin American and Caribbean Studies Program Fellowship from the Einaudi Center. (
  • Eun A Jo won a Jesse F. and Dora H. Bluestone Peace Studies Fellowship, Einaudi Global Racial Justice Fellowship, Einaudi Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship, QuIRI Working Group Grant, and was selected as the 2021-2022 Pacific Forum Korea Foundation Fellow.
  • Adoree Kim won a 2021 Korea Foundation Scholarship for Graduate Studies in North America.
  • Nazli Konya

    Publication:  Nazli Konya (2021). Breaking billboards: protest and politics of play. Contemporary Political Theory 20, 250-271.

    Publication:  Nazli Konya (2020). Making a People:  Turkey's "Democracy Watches" and Gezi-Envy. Political Theory. doi:10.1177/0090591720981904.

  • Julius Lagodny won the Ernst-Mach-Weltwarts Scholarship of the OeAD Austria and a 2020 GESIS EUROLAB Grant.

    Publication:  Peter K. Enns, Julius Lagodny (2021) Using Election Forecasts to Understand the Potential Influence of Campaigns, Media, and the Law in U.S. Presidential Elections, University of Miami Law  Review, Vol 75, No. 2

    Publication: Peter K. Enns, Julius Lagodny (2020): Forecasting the 2020 Electoral College Winner:  The State Presidential Approval/State Economy Model, PS: Political Science & Politics, 2020 Presidential Election Forecasting symposium.

    Publication: Peter K. Enns & Julius Lagodny:  We predicted States Biden would win 100 days before Election, 11/12/2020. Cited in Infobae on why the polls did not predict such a close race, 11/08/2020

    Interview with on the Presidential Elections 2020, 10/29/2020.

  • Joseph Lasky won Cornell's Center for the Study of Inequality Seed Grant. ( He also won American Political Science Association Centennial Research Grant.

  • Shirley Le Penne won the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) Research Grant (2021), PRICE Graduate Student Research Funding, Susan Tarrow Research Fellowship, the QuIRI Working Groups Grant, second prize in the 2021 Goethe Essay Prize Competition, and the Dean Russell Gitner Teaching Award

    Publication:  "The Pandemic Politics of Existenial Anxiety. Between Steadfast Resistance and Flexible Resilience" in International Political Science Review. (

  • Paul Lushenko won a grant to develop a behavioral science-driven application to encourage and track climate-friendly behavior and a New Frontier Grant for Innovative Research.

  • Cameron Mailhot won a Small Research Grant from the Qualitative and Interpretive Research Institute and a Dissertation Completion Grant from NCEEER.
  • Vincent Mauro

    Manuscript:  "Party Systems and Redistribution in Democratic Latin American," accepted at Comparative Politics.

    Manuscript: Party Systems, Political Competition and Inequality in Subnational Brazil," accepted at Latin American Research Review.Chang Pan won a Mackenzie King Travelling Scholarship 2021-2022.Julius Lagodny won the Ernst-Mach-Weltwarts Scholarship of the OeAD Austria and a 2020 GESIS EUROLAB Grant.

  • Hui-Yuan Neo won a APSA Diversity Fellowship 2021, Einaudi Dissertation Proposal Development Program Grant, Qualitative and Interpretive Research Institute (QuIRI) Working Group Grant. 

  • Nina Obermeier won the Kahin Prize in International Relations and an Institute for European Studies Graduate Research Fellowship. The David A. Lake Award for best paper presented at the 2021 International Political Economy Society (IPES) conference.

    Publication:  "COVID-19, economic anxiety, and support for international economic integration." Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 31 (supl): 15-25.

  • Lindsey Pruett won a APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

  • Stephen Roblin won a APSA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant

  • Gloria Xiong won a Qualitative & Interpretive Rsearch Institute Small Grant/Carpenter Fellowship/C.V Starr Fellowship

  • Joseph Yinusa participated in the  APSA Diversity Fellowship Program



  • Mariel Barnes won a European Studies Fellowship from Freie Universität Berlin.
  • Jiwon Baik won the East Asia Program Travel Grant and a Lee Teng-hui Grant.
  • Colin Chia won the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He is a Junior Visiting Fellow at the Graduate Institute of Geneva.
  • Debak Das won a Pre-doctoral Fellowship at the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University.
  • Alex Dyzenhaus won a Graduate Research Travel Grant.
  • Naomi Egel won a Fulbright U.S. Student Program Grant, a Swiss Excellence Scholarship, and a Michele Sicca Research Grant from the Einaudi Center.  She was recipient of the 2019 Kahin Prize in International Studies.
  • Kevin Foley won a C.V. Starr Fellowship from Cornell’s East Asia program.
  • Julie George is a 2019-2020 APSA Minority Fellowship recipient.
  • Lincoln Hines won an East Asia Program (EAP) Lee Teng-hui Grant and the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Predoctoral fellowship at the National Air and Space Museum.
  • Eun A Jo won a Graduate Research Travel Grant from the Einaudi Center and the East Asia Program.  She was appointed the Director’s Fellow at the Reppy Institute for 2019-2020.
  • Jordan Jochim was awarded a Provost’s Diversity summer fellowship.
  • Kanika Khanna was APSA”s Minority Fellow for Spring 2019-2020.
  • Adoree Kim won a R.J. Smith Fellowship.
  • Nazli Konya won a President’s Travel Fund for the Humanities Grant.
  • Lin Le won a Cornell East Asia Program Grant and the Einaudi Center International Research Travel Grant.
  • Cameron Mailhot was selected as a Title VIII Critical Language Award from the State Department to study Albanian. He received a Marion and Frank Long Fellowship from the Reppy Institute.
  • Vincent Mauro won a Graduate Research Travel Grant and was recipient of the Einaudi SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship.
  • Nina Obermeier won the Dean's Prize for Distinguished Teaching by the College of Arts and Sciences, awarded the Carpenter Fellowship for Fall 2019, and a EUSA Haas Fund Fellowship.
  • Pauliina Patana won a Council for European Studies Conference Travel Grant and a Richard and Alice Netter Scholarship.
  • Lindsey Pruett won a Summer Foreign Language Grant (Einaudi) of $1,000 and a Graduate Research Travel Grant. She was recipient of the Marion & Frank Long Fellowship for the Fall 2019 semester and Boren Fellowship for the Spring 2020 semester.
  • Stephen Roblin won a Predoctoral Fellowship at the Institute for Security and Conflict Studies (ISCS) at the Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University and a grant from APSA Centennial Center.
  • Aditi Sahasrabuddha won an Einaudi International Travel Grant.
  • Esther Schlosser won a Translation Network Award from the Society of the Humanities.
  • Angie Torres-Beltran won a South Asia Program (SAP) Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for the 2019-2020 academic year.  She was recipient of an International Research Travel Grant from the Einaudi Center.
  • Jimena Valdez Tappata won an Einaudi Center International Research Travel Grant and a Humane Studies Fellowship.
  • Daniel Zimmer won a Graduate Research Travel Grant.


  • Mariel Barnes was awarded the NSF, DAAD Fellowship, Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Fellowship from Freie Universität (Young Academics and Scientists), a Humane Studies Fellowship from the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University, Adam Smith Research Fellowship from the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, a Graduate School Research Travel Grant and an International Research Travel Grant from the Einaudi Center.  Her dissertation research investigates the political foundations of everyday violence against women in Europe.
  • Minqi Chai won the R.J. Smith fellowship and the Reppy fellowship.
  • Colin Chia won the Carpenter Fellowship for one semester, Einaudi Travel Grant, and will be a Visiting Junior Fellow at the Graduate Institute of Geneva in Spring 2019.
  • Debak Das was awarded the 2018 Chateubriand Fellowship, 2018 Michele Sicca Grant for Research in Europe, the Stephen and Margery Russell Award, a Research Travel Grant from the Graduate School, and the India Research Fellowship from the Wilson Center, Washington, DC.
  • Naomi Egel won the Einaudi-SSRC DPD, Reppy Director’s Fellowship, a Carpenter Fellowship for one semester, and honorable mention for the NSF GRF.
  • Kevin Foley one semester C.V. Starr Fellowship.
  • Mariano Giusti-Rodriguez was awarded the Provost’s Diversity Fellowship for one semester.
  • Robert Lincoln Hines was awarded Marion and Frank Long Fellowship for AY 2018-2019.
  • Julius Lagodny won a 2018 Michele Sicca Grant for Research in Europe, Mercatus Center Adam Smith award, and a Research Travel Grant from the Graduate School.
  • Claire Leavitt was the recipient of the Russell Distinguished Teaching Award.
  • Lin Le won a research travel grant from both Einaudi Center and Cornell’s East Asia Program for summer 2018.
  • Cameron Mailhot won an Einaudi Travel Grant (Vilnius, Lithuania) and a Purdue Peace Project/Milt Laurenstein Grant.
  • Vincent Mauro won a Mario Einaudi International Research Travel Grant, an Inequality Seed Grant from the Center for the Study of Inequality, and a graduate fellowship from the Latin American Studies Program.
  • Catharina Obermeier won the SSHRC.\
  • Pauliina Patana won a Research Travel Grant.
  • Aditi Sahasrabuddhe won the 2018 Kahin Prize.
  • Jose Sanchez-Gomez – won the Einaudi-SSRC DPD.
  •  Mariano Sanchez-Talanquer won APSA's 2018 William Anderson's award "for the best dissertation in the general field of federalism or intergovernmental relations.
  • Mariana Sanchez-Talanquer and Nicole Weygandt were co-recipients of the 2018 Esman Prize
  • Gregory Thaler won the Science, Technology & Environmental Politics Section of the American Political Science Association for the Virginia Walsh Dissertation Award, which is given for the best dissertation in the field of science, technology and environmental politics.
  • Jimena Valdez Tappata won a Research Travel Grant from the Graduate School.
  • Tim Vasko was awarded a Research Travel Fellowship from the Sequoyah National Research Center at the University of Arkansas.
  • Diane Wong was awarded the Don T. Nakanishi Award for Distinguished Scholarship and Service in Asian Pacific American Politics and the Susan Clarke Young Scholars Award at APSA's Urban Politics Section. She was also was inducted into the Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society and recognized as one of the Graduate School Deans Scholars.
  • Jessica Zarkin Notni won the Andrew Kohut Fellowship for her research to understand whether Latin Americans have become increasingly concerned with issues pertaining to crime in the last five decades. Second, whether this phenomenon is present only in Latin American countries that have experienced a rise in insecurity. And, third, to begin exploring the causal mechanisms that explain why citizens are turning to the military to provide public order in the region even though, as my own research with professor Gustavo Flores-Macías has shown, policies that have militarized law enforcement have been widely ineffective at procuring security for Latin American citizens.
  • Christopher Zepeda-Milan won the ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movement for the best book in collective behavior and social movements.