Laura Huber

Postdoctoral Associate


Laura Huber is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Government at Cornell University. Her postdoctoral research focuses on identifying institutional, social, and individual barriers to female peacekeepers under the supervision of Assistant Professor Dr. Sabrina Karim.

Her other research focuses on international relations, conflict, and peace processes. Specifically, her work examines the effects of conflict on women’s rights, gendered security sector reform, and the gendered dimensions of political violence. Her dissertation, “Buying Women’s Rights: The Role of Conflict and International Actors in Gender Reform” examines how international actors can play a key role in promoting women’s rights after civil conflict. Her work uses both quantitative and qualitative methods and has appeared in The Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Peacekeeping, and Conflict Management and Peace Science.

Her fellowship is supported by the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations. She received her Ph.D in Political Science from Emory University in 2019, her Masters from Emory University in 2017, and her Bachelors of Arts from the University of Dayton in 2014.
